
The universe you're so beautiful enchanting, you know all about us from start to die, you give us a life of significance from the heart, there is no matchless also from heaven to earth, your soul as clean as you give us a foothold mean, you always gives a pure life, but you are treated with impunity by our nation, you would not hate us or oppress us, you still give us oxygen to breathe life form us, you're fun for us if we were tired in life, you're like our mother is give peace in our soul, forgive us if we wronged you are always corrupt you, forgive us who always thought of you as trash, we are always sorry mencemarimu any time, sorry we did not consider you a part of our lives, we may be complacent with life and our fellow pleasure, do not be angry nature do not hate us, O Messenger of nature do not destroy us with your wrath, O Messenger of nature we just lulled our natural need to live, O ye of nature we can not live without you, O nature, good-hearted nature and seldom angry anymore except patient we were too cruel to treat you, O good-hearted nature.

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